This Saturday I will be saying Mass at Brinkburn Priory in Northumberland. This is an annual Latin Mass in the usus antiquior. It started in 1995 with the encourgement of a group of parishioners of St Robert`s in Morpeth. Most years we manage to have a High Mass and I`m glad to say that, with the assistance of Frs Dickson and Phillips of the diocese, this will be the case this year too. We also hope to have Fr Emerson, of the Fraternity of St Peter with us.
Over the years music has been provided by the Schola Gregoriana of Northumbria who have occasionally been joined by other choirs. This year we are glad to welcome back the Rudgate singers from Yorkshire. This year the schola are singing the ordinary of the Mass while the Rudgates sing the Byrd setting of the propers for the birthday of Our Lady.
Normally this Mass is very well attended, often by people I never see at a Latin Mass any other time of the year. The setting is ideal. A history of the building, which is now in the care of English Heritage can be found here.
Mass begins at 12 noon.
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Members of the Holy Family Guild will be picnicing after this Mass and any families are most welcome to join us as long as weather permits. we have been lucky over the past years in this respect!
Some of us will also be going to the Anglers Arms nearby. Which reminds me that I'd better get lunch booked tomorrow or I'll have a choral mutiny on my hands!
looks wonderful..
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