Yesterday the annual Brinkburn Mass took place. Many thanks to the Rudgates who travelled all the way from Yorkshire and sang Tallis` Mass in four parts as well as two Monteverdi pieces. Thanks also to the Jarrow schola and to organist Peter Locke. The weather was lovely and the congregation was larger than in recent years. I estimated the congregation to be about 80-90 strong. The increase may have been thanks to David and Theresa O`Neill our diocesan LMS reps who sent out posters to parishes in the area. The celebrant was Fr Swales, the deacon, Fr Phillips and I was subdeacon. Thanks to our servers and those who prepared the food for afterwards and anyone else who helped in any way.
Here are a few pictures by Frank and Mike.

As usual the poor old servers didn't get a mention even though we had a full team with MC Leo Darroch, Thurifer David O'Neill, Acolytes Patrick Talbot & Kenneth Miles & Torchbearers Keith McAllister & Paul Hammond.
Father, off topic...
Fr. Welkin is asking for help as to why comments are not showing up on his blog. The blog states that 'comments are not enabled'. I tried to email him but that was not possible either 'due to privacy settings'.
Perhaps you can help him out?
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