There were
rumours that Pope Francis was not favourable to the project of the Anglican ordinariate on the basis of a remark he is said to have made when archbishop of Buenos Aires. Bishop Venables, Anglican bishop of Argentina reported:
He [Bergoglio] called me to have breakfast with him one morning and told me very
clearly that the Ordinariate was quite unnecessary and that the Church
needs us as Anglicans.
Now the Pope
has turned his attention to the Ordinariate and made a change in their constitution so that people who have been baptised as Catholics but not been confirmed or made their first Communion can become members of the Anglican ordinariate. I dont know what to make of this. If he ordinariate is about preserving the valuable parts of the Anglican patrimony in the life of the Catholic Church how is this served by incorporating lapsed Catholics? On the other hand it is good to see the ordinariate being affirmed in their role and being entrusted with this mission to the lapsed.
I suppose we just have to wait to see how it pans out. I understand from our ordinariate parish at Gainford, near Darlington, that a number of the `normal` parishioners attend the ordinariate Mass. I know I would if I were them. Now he has turned his attention to the Anglican ordinariate will it be long before Pope Francis turns his attention to the Ecclesia Dei societies and what surprises might he have up his sleeve?