Not the same as the old boss! This picture, borrowed from
Fr Z, made me smile. It`s been making me smile most of the day in fact. Here is the new head of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, (whose appointment was announced today) in action. There should be some fun in store!
(Apologies to The Who.)
I think, the picture below this one at Fr. Z's blog is magnificent, and more formidable especially considering his position..
Never thought of you as a Who fan, Father ...
My brother was/is the Who fan but that did mean I heard a lot of their songs.I did think that `Won`t be fooled again` was their most interesting song.
Father I'm glad to hear this. But then reality sets in. With the state of the liturgical abuses out there. And there are many. Priests will still go on doing what ever they and the parishinors please no matter who is in charge. Hence why I am looking east to the Orthodox Church. Not a "have a Divine Liturgy the way you want attitude". No guitars or drums present. The majority of the Orthodox clergy and parishinors understand tradition. The local Catholic parishes in my local areas, enjoy guitars, drums, altar girls, etc. And will never change no matter who is Pope or head of the CDW. A huge after effect of Vatican 2.
Bob, I`m sorry to hear things are so bad where you are and I know I`d be tempted to do what you are thinking. However I could never break with visible communion with the successor of St Peter. Things are getting better, maybe very slowly and too slowly for some but the Church is learning to value tradition again and I have hope for the future for the first time since my ordination.
I may feel knocked back when the new archbishop of Westminster is announced: I`m preparing to be underwhelmed. The same goes for my own diocese which lost its bishop in March. however, overall there are many reasons to have hope.
I take it there is no Mass in the Extraordinary Form near you.
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