Apologies once again for my lack of blogging. Here`s an easy post I could have done earlier. These are pictures from last week`s Mass at Thornley. Many thanks to Frank for the photos. This was Fr Dickson`s first time as celebrant at a Solemn Mass and although he was very nervous all went off well. The preacher was Fr Henry of the Offerimus tibi Domine blog. He has kindly posted his sermon there. We were also joined by Fr Aldo Tapparo from Oxford.

The evening was something to be remembered fondly for a very long time. Everyone must be congratulated for such a splendid occasion and it was quite obvious, from the way everything progressed so smoothly, that a great deal of preparation had gone into it. Mostly, it is the sacred ministers who get the attention through the publication of photographs, and this is well deserved, but may I single out the young MC, Andrew McDowell, for special praise. Those who have served for many years know how much work is involved before, during, and after a Solemn High Mass to ensure that everything goes smoothly. For someone so young, and with limited experience even of a Missa Cantata, Andrew cannot be commended highly enough for his attention to detail and skilful management of the serving team. From a personal point of view I am heartened by the emergence of such capable young servers because it means I can finally retire my creaking bones and let the younger element take over.
And we must not forget the ladies. The three young sisters who sang Panis Angelicus were a delight, and everyone was indebted to the ladies who provided a sumptuous buffet.
Father Dickson has produced something special in his parish and his example should be followed throughout the diocese.
I would add that I was thrilled to have three altar servers under 12 too...who said the young cannot be enthralled by this form of Mass? The Lydon sisters are themselves all under 21!
A personal word of thanks goes from me to Fathers Brown and Philips: their presence was a source of encouragement to me. Fr Brown gave me the opportunity to regularly offer Low Mass when he was teaching and away on holiday during his time in Gateshead some years ago, and Fr Philips accompanied me to the Murton Conference some time after that. To have these Fathers at my side when I am not comfortable about signing etc., was truly supportive.
Many thanks to all.
Fr Dickson
I'm very grateful to Mr Darroch for his comment; to have him and Fr Dickson (on the LMS H&N blog) recognise my input. I worked very hard to learn this Form of Mass from Fortesque, and truly enjoyed the evening. Once the Mass got underway, even Fr Dickson enjoyed it -he says 'especially the part which is known as the recessional!'
I'm hinting that we should have another and not too far in the future, but he does prefer Low Mass...
I would also like to thank all the servers for their diligent attention; Fr Dickson for his confidence in me, and all those who attended and who were treated to a beautiful Form of Mass and some good singing. Like many young people, this Form of Mass evokes so much more devotion from me than does the Novus Ordo because there is so much more symbolism and depth of prayer which helps me avoid distraction.
They are beautful photos. I hope you will do more of the same.
Andrew you had clearly spent a lot of time learning the ceremonies and did a very good job. I hope you will get plenty of practice in the future!
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