Fr Z has pointed out that the BBC are reporting that the Institute of Christ the King could be given the church of SS Peter and Paul at New Brighton. This would be a fantastic breakthrough for the Church in England as it would be the first time an Ecclesia Dei institute would be given its own church in the UK. Bishop Mark Davies, the new bishop of Shrewsbury, is in talks with the Institute. Let`s hope there is some good news soon.
Fantastic news, Fr! The tide is turning, at last!
I hope they have a good surveyor, there looks like a lot of damp in that brickwork :)
Gift Horses?
The church was closed in 2008 on the grounds that it was too exxpensive to maintain. Upon appeal to the Vatican the closure was said to be null and void. The present bishop of the diocese has reportedly been in talks with English Heritage and other interested bodies about re-opening it. However, if it was closed on grounds of cost of maintaining it I imagine that the Institute of Christ the King will be looking carefully at what would be involved if they accepted cutody of it.
There are many that believe that the repair costs were greatly exagerated in order to to press the case for closure.
Et Expecto...
Surely you are not implying that the powers that be in the Catholic Church were less than frank about the condition of the church. Are you suggesting that there has been some sleight-of-hand or jiggerypokery at work here?
I cannot believe that the Church would do such a thing, but there again, I am a silly, naive type of guy.
1569 you certainly are!
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