Thursday, November 27, 2008

A useful resource for priests

My good friend, Fr Mark Withoos, has produced a useful guide for priests seeking to learn the EF. He has a website which gives the tones for the prayers and readings for a priest who wants to celebrate a Missa Cantata. Even more useful perhaps is that these can be downloaded as a podcast. Go to the iTunes store and search on Missa Cantata and you`ll find the podcast there to you can subscribe. Any feed back will be most welcome.

UPDATE 1.12.08: I was looking at Orbis Catholicus just now with the pictures of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos celebrating Pontifical Mass and I`m sure that is Fr Withoos himself (nearest the camera)!


Anonymous said...

I have been very ecumenical and broad-minded and email Fr. Withoos notation for both the solemn and ferial tones of the Advent preface.

Perhaps someone else could send him some folded chasubles? The SSPX have a set of violet ones that were 'borrowed' from the London Oratory. I am sure the LO is likely to use them sooner than the SSPX.

Anonymous said...

The priest to the left of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos is Don Almiro de Andrade, FSSP, who is now working in the Ecclesia Dei Commission.

Adulio said...

The SSPX have a set of violet ones that were 'borrowed' from the London Oratory.

The Oratory actually lends things?!!!