I have given up trying to find the antiphons for the vigil of the Nativity for the minor hours in my lovely new 1962 breviary and have had to use the wonderful Divinum Officium site. Any clues would be appreciated. While I`m here can anyone tell me where the invitatory antiphon for the common of a virgin, non-martyr is to be found? There seems to be no option but to say that all virgins are martyrs.
UPDATE: Thanks to Gregor and Mark for the information on the antiphons. All is clear now. Thanks for your swift responses.
Dear Father:
ad 1) The antiphons are - as per usual on first class days - those of Lauds (if you look at Lauds on p. 64 it says "et per Horas"). That means 1 is used for Prime, 2 for Terce, 3 for Sext and 5 for None.
ad 2) That is an actual mistake of the breviary, which will surely be corrected in the next edition. The actual invitatory is "Regem Virginum Dominum * venite adoremus."
A merry and blessed Christmas!
Father, try page 64. Antiphons for minor hours from Lauds 24 Dec, in the Proprium de Tempore: 1 at Prime, 2 at Terce, 3 at Sect, FIVE at None.
No idea about the Invitatory. I see your dilemma. Let me know if you have luck!
Hardly lost.
In the original 1961 Breviary the antiphons Jerusalem etc are found with the texts for the Vigil of the Nativity. Hardly rocket science one would suggest.
Rubricarius: now now, be nice to Father.
Bah, Humbug!
Everyone who cannot find their antiphons (in 60% less of a book than it once was) should be boiled in a kettle with their pudding and buried with a stake of holly through their heart.
Ebeneezer Rubricarius (with apologies to Mr. Dickens).
Thanks Rubricarius but the traditional breviary is still rather new to me and I had not seen the rubric for the antiphons for minor offices for first class feasts and since I couldn`t see any indication under the minor offices themselves, I thought it best to ask. I am still grateful to Gregor and Mark for their kind responses. I hope it doesn`t irritate you too much if I ask when I have any other difficulties.
Dr. Brown,
You will have to enter my forthcoming liturgical quiz, or rather my presenting of Mgr. Ronald Knox's little quiz he described as "simple".
When antiphons are proper the most likely place to find them is printed in the Office of the day in question.
Rubricarius, I look forward to trying your quiz.
The antiphons may very well be in the office of the day when they are proper but I wasn`t aware that the antiphons of Lauds are used for the minor offices. Now I know
Ah, Father; he's being too hard on you. So what if you didn't know... :D
But the Vigil of the Nativity is hardly a "minor office". In fact I don't actually understand what you mean by a minor office.
My advice would be to find someone, say for example a judge or some such professional, to buy you a better set of Breviaries as a Christmas present!
Sorry Rubricarius but I was brought up on the Liturgy of the Hours. In the Institutio Generalis n.76 you will see a reference to Terce, Sext, and None as the Horae minores. I was including Prime in these too. Does that clarify it for you?
Rubricarius: he means the Little Hours. I do not like to weigh in, but I really feel you ought to stop lecturing Father. Besides, the Breviaries he has are perfectly good; I have the same set, and they are the best available of the 1962 authorised ones. (Yes, recall, for the clergy: it would be '62 or later, nowt else...)
My apologies, Father.
Join this group Father and you will find it very informative and helpful
Regards, Kenneth
Oh well, I`ve just noticed in my 1962 breviary a reference to the `horas minores` too. I probably should have said `minor hours` or `little hours` but I thought it was ok to say `offices` as people talk about the office of Terce or None.
Ah, now I understand - Offices and Hours.
'Little Hours', 'Lesser Hours', Horae Minorae being the generic term for Prime, Terce, Sext, None and Compline distinguishing them from the 'Greater' or 'Major' hours of Vespers, Mattins and Lauds.
All, quite correctly, can be referred to individually as Offices as you indeed suggest, them all forming the Office.
Then we can talk of the ferial Office, festal Office and Dominical Office and in 1962-speak the semi-festal Office.
Try Hausmann - you would find that very useful I suggest.
Hello. I,too, am new to the traditional breviary. Isn't the office something you work in? Buggered if I could find the minor horrors, and what are antiphons? Yours in confusion, Father Floppery.
Fr Floppery, on the slight chance that your comment is not a complete wind-up, try loooking at Divinum Officium
But it's in Latin. What's with the Latin? Blimey, you might as well have it in Swahili. I think I'll stick to the official floppy version. It's twattier and easier to follow, all in nice CBBC English, if I could be arsed.
Yours in floppiness.
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