This week the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland is holding its annual conference across the river in Gateshead. The advertised topics of the talks are :
Rev Anthony Randazzo (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith):
"Formation for a Healthy Priesthood - A Canonical Overview"
Mr Mark E. Chopko
"Intersection of Civil and Canon Law - The Experience of the USA with regard to Abuse of Children by Clergy"
Rev Brendan Killeen (Diocese of Northampton):
"The Role of Love in Marriage: An Historical Re-examination"
Rev Frank Morrisey OMI (St Paul's University, Ottawa):
"Where are we with Rights in the Church?"
Tomorrow morning our own canon lawyer bishop, Kevin Dunn, will celebrate the opening Mass. The Mass will take place in the conference room. It reminds me that the last time I was at a Pontifical Mass in a hotel room was when bishop Williamson of the SSPX came to Newcastle and said Mass in the Station Hotel in Newcastle. Bishop Williamson mentioned that it was an odd place for a Pontifical Mass and expressed the hope that the smoke of the incense didn`t set off the fire alarm and even worse, the sprinkler system! I don`t imagine that we shall be having any problems with incense tomorrow.
While the topics of the papers can appear to be rather dry, the conference is an opportunity to meet others working in the same field and to meet up with others again including normally some of those I was with at the Gregorian in Rome.
Rev Anthony Randazzo (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith):
"Formation for a Healthy Priesthood - A Canonical Overview"
Mr Mark E. Chopko
"Intersection of Civil and Canon Law - The Experience of the USA with regard to Abuse of Children by Clergy"
Rev Brendan Killeen (Diocese of Northampton):
"The Role of Love in Marriage: An Historical Re-examination"
Rev Frank Morrisey OMI (St Paul's University, Ottawa):
"Where are we with Rights in the Church?"
Tomorrow morning our own canon lawyer bishop, Kevin Dunn, will celebrate the opening Mass. The Mass will take place in the conference room. It reminds me that the last time I was at a Pontifical Mass in a hotel room was when bishop Williamson of the SSPX came to Newcastle and said Mass in the Station Hotel in Newcastle. Bishop Williamson mentioned that it was an odd place for a Pontifical Mass and expressed the hope that the smoke of the incense didn`t set off the fire alarm and even worse, the sprinkler system! I don`t imagine that we shall be having any problems with incense tomorrow.
While the topics of the papers can appear to be rather dry, the conference is an opportunity to meet others working in the same field and to meet up with others again including normally some of those I was with at the Gregorian in Rome.
Fr, have you heard anything about the SSPX ending their Masses at the Station House Hotel and moving into Gateshead? Last I heard they had purchased a former Anglican church in the Jewish district, around about October last year, but nothing has been mentioned since.
Fr. Michael, are you actually allowed to attend an SSPX Mass?
Roydosan, I have heard a lot about the SSPX plans here. Just behind the hotel wherewe are having the conference is the church they have acquired. It has only recently become an a surplus church for the Anglicans and so is in good working order. I believe the SSPX will be using it before the end of the year. It is in the middle of the Jewish area.
John, it is allowed to go to an sSPX Mass although I wouldn`t receive Communion there. I just wanted to watch bishop Williamson in action.
Wowie, you've seen him "in action". That's quite a brave thing to admit - I can imagine your name would be scratched off the list of priests eligable for bishops now!
Joee, it was scratched off a very long time ago!
Matrimony is not the only sacrament wher there are canonical implications for gender surgery. Both the Congregation for Religious and the Congregation for Clergy have had to deal with cases.
Flabellum, I wondered if that had ever been the case and I suppose we shouldn`t be surprised it has. No mention was made of this at the conference.
Brendan's a canon lawyer now ?
oh good grief he'd want to be a judge before christmas...
I love the reverend ,he was a gloriously supportive seminarian; but ask him the time and he'll lecture you on the history of the escapement and the armillary sphere and how he was in dunstable where the 1283 priory clock was installed... canon law marriage ? expect a lecture on the allantois and the phosphate links to cytosine... he loves his facts ! Wish there were a few more clerics like him so devoted to educating...
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