Well I said I was at a loss to know who I would like for Pope. The election of Pope Francis was a bigger surprise than I expected. To start with he is a lot older than I thought we were due. I didn`t think we were going to have another `caretaker` pope. Secondly I felt sad that he chose not to wear the rochet and mozzetta on the balcony and didn`t sing the blessing etc, all of which has been commented on elsewhere.
However as Fr Somerville-Knapman says:
Pope Francis might not be the pope I was hoping for, but he seems like the pope we all need.
Certainly his preaching style is quite a change. We`ve grown used to papal preaching being delievered from a prepared text. Pope Francis doesn`t seem to use notes. As this video shows he is not shy with crowds and I think we can see what to expect at World Youth Day
The sermon starts at 2.16.
I`m slowly trying to get together on this. it appears he is not very sympathetic to Summorum Pontificum. Even I would say there are plenty of other pressing issues in the Church but let`s hope for a change of heart on this one.
So God bless the Pope. I still find it unsettling that his predecessor is alive and well and who knows may even outlive Pope Francis. Or Pope Francis may also abdicate in a few years and we could have two popes emeriti! Strange times indeed.
Salve pater!
Pope Francis seems unlikely to be a liturgical pope but he may be a Eucharistic one. His strong sense of the demonic and his devotion to Mary give hope as well. If he were not to tamper with the liturgy that should be enough for now.
Like you, I mused on the possibility of two popes emeriti living. That would be weird, and I suspect dangerous. Poor Pope Francis will probably have to die in office. A noble death.
I wonder what he & Pope Benedict discussed? I remember that (given the opportunity) whenever I was promoted I took the chance to talk to my predecessor. It was often the case that he pointed me in a direction he had wanted to take but was prevented from so doing. If the direction seemed logical I took it. I could always blame him if things went 'pear shaped'!!
Interesting times indeed, truly not what we expected. My prayers are for Pope Francis that he will be allowed to be the Pope he wants to be and needs to be to move us forward and hopefully bring young people to the Church and feel the calling to play an active part - hopefully with many more vocations.
Either he is a man with NO sense of the sacred or a member of the Latin American "wiggles". If this is his idea of the Faith I am his enemy and the sooner we get this pontificate over the better! Why elect a man who seems to authorise liturgical abuse? nI do not belong to that Church and I feel like vomiting!
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