This story appears today on Catholic News Service regarding the recent changes in the papal liturgies. It`s interesting to hear what the new papal MC has to say about these changes. Let`s hope this outbreak of sanity continues and that maybe something will hapen to the papal chasubles too. So far the Pope has turned out in some good copes but the chasubles appear to be the same cut as those of John Paul II although without the `fly-away` orpheries. I hope 2008 brings a papal celebration of the EF. It would help those of us in the trenches who are trying to promote Summorum Pontificum in the face of indifference and hostility.
This is a very secondary matter!! Why bother about it?
The changes in the papal liturgy are indications of a broader mindset. If the Pope were to celebrate the Mass in the Extraordinary Form that would be not be a secondary matter but would give a signal to the whole Church that there is nothing second class about it and that it is part of the mainstream life of the Church.
Anonymous, you can read more about the significance of the liturgical changes at the Vatican here (http://marymagdalen.blogspot.com/2007/12/papal-mc-interview.html) on Fr Blake`s blog.
More drivel from a 'sanctuary priest' ... Latin and lace is all you fellows seem interested in! I'm sure you're interested in more than this tedium. If not, God help the Church.
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