I opened the Catholic Herald today and was very pleased to see a report on their Catholic Life centre page feature on the recent Extraordinary Form Mass at Newcastle cathedral under the title `Fr Swales celebrates High Mass in Newcastle`. The article mentions that this was the second time the EF Mass had been celebrated at the cathedral since `the changes`.
I thought this was an event that deserved a bit more coverage than a certain local Catholic paper gave it and am glad it has reached a national paper. The cathedral is a new venue for the EF Mass in this diocese and gives the signal that those attached to the EF have a place in the life of the diocese too.
Thanks to Mike Forbester for the photo.
The Catholic Herald is certainly, far and away, the only Catholic paper in the UK worth reading. As far as the Northern Cross is concerned, no comment!
The NC was sent a good selection of Mike's photographs together with a write up. They used the words but selected a pic of the servers. Whilst one admires their taste in showing such a handsome (& partially young) group of men perhaps Fr Michael is right in saying that pics of the actual Mass might have frightened the readers of NC
I understand the picture in the Cross has caused a flutter in the hearts of ladies of a certain age all over the Diocese.
Maybe they should have gone to Specsavers!
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