However the same friend raised with me yesterday the practical outcome we can look forward to. For example, this

is not about to be transformed into this!
However what I hope it will enjoy is the momentum of something new. It will be harder for parish councils to declare themselves against any regular use of Latin in the liturgy, even if only a small amount, as I know does happen. There will, I hope, be a greater openness to the `hermeneutic of continuity` and we might see a more balanced approach to worship so that there is a place for that which speaks of tradition alongside the new. Of course nothing will be more powerful than a lead from the top. It would be useful for example for papal Masses to use the Graduale rather than the responsorial psalm if only now and then. A papal celebration of the traditional Mass will also be useful.
So far this papacy has been rather disappointing for those of us who read and were inspired by Cardinal Ratzinger`s books on the question of liturgical reform. However reports say that the Holy Father is determined to have the Motu Proprio see the light of day and is also frustrated by the delays. Let`s pray he gives us all something to celebrate on his 80th birthday.
Actually Father, it has been my experience that where and when the Traditional Mass is celebrated, whether in the utterly oppressive housing estate church of St. Ethelburga's, Barking, or on a portable altar in a French field, architecture and aesthetic surrounds either disappear, or appear commensurate with the quality of the liturgy. I mean this as an encouragement, not as a disputation. The traditional mass will have its effect in whatever surroundings you place it. After all, severe, barely decorated, mediaeval romanesque architecture is about as plain as some modern churches of the early '60s anyway. It's ALL about (Christ in) the liturgy.
The difference seems to be that the shift will be from the Bishop to the Priest, on this issue.
It is almost as if the Holy Father wants to create a groundswell at parish level, that will somehow bypass their Lordships.
A sort of tipping the scales in favour of tradition and the presbyterate, interesting form all sorts of points of view.
'So far this papacy has been rather disappointing for those of us who read and were inspired by Cardinal Ratzinger`s books on the question of liturgical reform.'
No doubt you would have been somewhat underwhelmed by aspects of Jesus' earthly ministry if you had been a contemporary!
" However what I hope it will enjoy is the momentum of something new."
around my circle of friends (most of us in our 20s) we are expecting the Motu Propio with that ''momentum of something new'' because most of us have NEVER seen a Tridentine mass.
I think that amongst those of us for which the Tridentine mass has never been the rule it will change our understanding of the mass as a Mystery. Of course, we will need to be catechized about it so we understand what is going on!
by the way, just started a blog, and I would be honored if you pay it a visit and impart your priestly blessing :D
Hebdomadary, I`m sure you are right. The most beautiful church counts for little without the Mass.
Fr Blake, I agree it could be very interesting but I wonder whether the bishops will not still have some control in limiting the number of Sunday Masses a priest can say. However it`s all speculation until the thing is finally published.
Anonymous, at least in the earthly ministry of Christ there were miracles! Up until now very little has happenend in this pontificate. On Monday the first ten chapters of the Pope`s new book will be published. He is publishing them early as he thinks he may not live long enough to complete the book. While I`m sure the book will be interesting, we already have quite a number of books by him and it would be nice to see some of his ideas being put into action now he is the Supreme Pontiff.
Ali, thanks for alerting me to your website. I have always thought I would enjoy St Francis de Sales but whenever I start reading the Introduction to the Devout Life I always get so far and then get stuck so reading your blog may well be a help.
I hope you get to a Tridentine Mass before too long. Last Sunday a twenty-something year old turned up at one of our indult Mass locations and was absolutely captivated by it, never having seen it before.
same happened to me when I first tried to read Introduction . I would actually recommend reading his personal letters first. Same teaching can be found, the language can be a little ''old'' but it is much more readable and enjoyable.
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