Monday, April 30, 2007
New Bishop
The Holy Father appointed Fr. Timothy Costelloe S.D.B., rector of the Salesian Theological College in Melbourne, Australia, and Msgr. Peter John Elliott, of the clergy of Melbourne, episcopal vicar, as auxiliaries of the archdiocese of Melbourne .
Mgr Elliott was not unsympathetic to the traditional Mass and is the author of the Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite.
I was always grateful to him for one morning in Santa Maria della Scala in Rome when I was preparing to celebrate the traditional Mass in what had been the chapel of the Mater Ecclesiae group (a breakaway group from Econe) that he appeared to extricate me from a Carmelite who was insisting that I concelebrate with him! (It was then the house in which the FSSP priests in Rome lived and the chapel houses a foot of St Teresa of Avila.)
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sr Petra Clare

Monday, April 23, 2007
The Moving of the Benches

So far I have had many positive comments about the new arrangement which is a trial for two months. Tomorrow we have a funeral Mass and it will be nice to be able to have the coffin lying with the feet towards the altar instead of having it set out parallel with the altar so that it felt one was standing at an ironing board during the absolutions. There is also room now for the six funeral candlesticks to stand around the coffin. Another benefit is that the view of the altar is unobstructed and it makes it seem more prominent.
As the back rows are now made up of two or more benches together some people have expressed concern that this arrangement may not satisfy fire regulations so that is something to check but by and large I have been delighted by the responses I`ve had.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Blog Awards
Thursday, April 19, 2007
High Mass at Blackfen
I was just going to continue posting more all-singing and dancing videos from YouTube in the continued absence of the Motu Proprio but I couldn`t resist this slide show from Fr Tim Finigan`s blog of a High Mass in his church which took place on Monday. It is of particular interest as it features my good friend Fr Charles Briggs as celebrant. I`m envious of the altar rails Fr Finigan has installed and would like to have them here but there is no room around the sanctuary area.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Which Twentieth Century Pope are you?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A night out
Last night I was invited to the Carvers`, one of our NACF families, for a lovely meal. In the course of the evening I was introduced to this video. Once seen, never forgotten! Thanks to Amy Welborn for spotting this.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The New Translation
Latin text
accipens et hunc praeclarum calicem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas
he took the cup
he took this precious chalice into his holy and venerable hands,
I also enjoyed the remark of Northern Cleric:
One thing I will not be making room for in my diary is the inevitable "training day" that will be organised by the Diocesan Liturgy Whatsitcallednow? (they keep changing their title). I can read.
This translation will, I hope, do a lot to improve liturgical standards by changing the atmosphere of worship. I`m looking forward to getting started with it.
An interesting account of the problems of the translation currently in use, given at a lecture by members of the new ICEL committee, can be found on the Fumare blog. It`s fair to say that raising any of these issues at Ushaw in the 1980`s would not have done one`s path to the priesthood any favours. How wonderful to see these self same points being made by the present members of ICEL. It feels like a dream.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
What difference will the Motu Proprio make?
However the same friend raised with me yesterday the practical outcome we can look forward to. For example, this

is not about to be transformed into this!
However what I hope it will enjoy is the momentum of something new. It will be harder for parish councils to declare themselves against any regular use of Latin in the liturgy, even if only a small amount, as I know does happen. There will, I hope, be a greater openness to the `hermeneutic of continuity` and we might see a more balanced approach to worship so that there is a place for that which speaks of tradition alongside the new. Of course nothing will be more powerful than a lead from the top. It would be useful for example for papal Masses to use the Graduale rather than the responsorial psalm if only now and then. A papal celebration of the traditional Mass will also be useful.
So far this papacy has been rather disappointing for those of us who read and were inspired by Cardinal Ratzinger`s books on the question of liturgical reform. However reports say that the Holy Father is determined to have the Motu Proprio see the light of day and is also frustrated by the delays. Let`s pray he gives us all something to celebrate on his 80th birthday.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Another date
Here is Father`s translation:
The long-awaited Motu Proprio next Monday Mass in Latin: Tradition returns
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
A bishop speaks out
Ruth Gledhill, Helen Rumbelow and Alice Miles
Britain is becoming “aggressively antireligious”, according to a senior Roman Catholic Archbishop. The Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, said that acts of terrorism such as the July 7 bombings had “shaken people’s perception” of the presence of all faiths in the UK.
In an interview with The Times, he also accused the Government of neglecting “moral values” that should form the bedrock of society.
The Archbishop, who campaigned against the Sexual Orientation Regulations, which legislated for equal rights for gay couples when seeking to adopt children, said he believed that gay people were born, not made. His understanding of sexual orientation was that a person “doesn’t have a choice”.
One of the most influential Catholic leaders in the West, he has been at the fore of his Church’s political campaigns on education and asylum-seekers as well as on equality law.
He is among the favourites to succeed the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, who will be 75 in August and will offer his resignation to the Pope this summer.
Anglican and Catholic leaders are concerned at the march of the secular agenda in the West. Archbishop Nichols said: “There is a version of secularism going around which is antireligious, which wants to banish religion from [the political] public forum.” He called this “shortsighted and troublesome” and said that it was mistaken because a properly understood religious faith was a “bedrock for good humanity”.
He said that acts of terrorism had shaken people’s perception of faith in Britain. “I mean sometimes the anxieties that are expressed around faith schools are actually to do with Islamic schools. And when you press a politician they say, well, of course we don’t mean Catholic schools and we don’t mean Church of England schools.
“Then there are others who relish this opportunity to say, with aggression, religious faith is a corruption of human nature, and we’d be better off without it.”
The Archbishop said that Islamic schools must integrate into the state system because “that’s how a community learns to integrate”. He added: “The deep roots of our contemporary secular culture lie in Christianity. And, therefore, there is in Christianity an instinctive understanding about the notion of the rights of the human person.”
Echoing Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor, when he voiced fears that the democratic process in Britain was under threat, Archbishop Nichols said: “There is now a clear understanding that politically democracy is the best way of organising the use of power in this society.
“There is, devolved from Christianity, a notion of justice and courts, of the police and supervision of society, of hospitals and of education.”
Asked whether Islam was threatening the roots of society, he said: “I think it remains to be seen.”
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Chrism Mass
The bishop spoke, in his homily, mainly to the priests and focused on the hands of the priest, speaking first about the importance of hands in general and then specifically in the life and work of the priest.
The music had not, for the bulk of it, caught up on the `hermeneutic of continuity` however. There was again nothing composed before 1970 apart from the tunes of the opening and closing hymns and a Tallis anthem, from his Protestant phase, `If ye love me` which was kind of the theme tune of the English College, Rome, in the early 1990`s. The Gloria and Responsorial Psalm were composed by a local Catholic guitarist who was part of today`s music group and the Eucharistic Acclamations and Breaking Song were by Marty Haugen. A pleasant interlude came with the hymn `O Redeemer, hear our singing `an ancient hymn probably written by an Irish poet and used in the liturgy of Maundy Thursday since the time of Charlemagne` according to the booklet, which was sung unaccompanied to its plainsong tune. We were meant to sing `O Godhead hid` after communion but it was dropped for reasons of time, I suppose. I seem to remember something similar happening last year.
Most of the music was performed in a `folk` style with guitar, piano and flute accompaniment. My reaction to plucked string instruments in the liturgy is similar to my reaction to private revelations to `seers`. If it happened 400-500 years ago I can cope better with it. Thus a theorbo in the sacred music of Monteverdi or Vivaldi is ok. The guitar today feels like a symbol of the liturgical revolution. So I am happy with the dialogues of St Catherine of Siena but feel uneasy with more recent uncanonised people claiming divine authority for their revelations. At least the improvising trombone has gone!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Buy now while stocks last
In expectation of the motu proprio, Catholic bookstores in Rome have begun selling copies of the 1962 Missal. Expecting brisk sales, publishing houses in Italy are reprinting the old Missal.
I`m glad to say that I beat the rush in that I ordered 50 copies of `The order of Mass (Tridentine) in Latin and English` from Carmel of Plymouth a few months ago! I`m also glad to say that the vestments that come from Luzar`s all come with maniple, veil and burse too. I may however need a couple of sets of altar cards but I suppose in an emergency there are always the online sets from the sedevacantists! Surely the waiting must be nearly over.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Family Day

This time I spoke to the 7-11 year olds about confession. The children were quick to turn the session into a series of difficult moral quandaries about where to apportion blame in certain circumstances! I was assisted by Dorothy our organist who had stayed on after Mass to play for Benediction. Dorothy gave the children a short introduction to Gregorian chant and we had a run through of the Adoremus for Benediction.
The picture above shows the families and the children are holding the pictures the youngest had coloured in for the Station which took place in the garden with different families each taking a station.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Chant Sunday
This time before Mass Dorothy, our organist, led the congregation in a practice of the Sanctus and Agnus Dei of Mass 18. I`m glad to report that there were definitely people singing the Agnus Dei but the Sanctus may take a little longer to become familiar. Still, Rome wasn`t built in a day. During the distribution of Communion, Ian sang the Vexilla Regis as a solo before the congregation sang `The Servant King`. When people are not familiar with chant it naturally takes time to learn anything new but I hope by incorporating it with a lot of familiar hymns the shock will not be as great. In the meantime I must get into school with some simple chants as I`ve said I`d do. I was trying to find a recording of Mass 18 to take in for the teacher but on the occasions I`ve looked I`ve not found anything suitable.
Many thanks to Ian and Dorothy for their labours.